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How to Choose Curtains For Living Room

golden curtains

When selecting curtains for your living room, there are a lot of factors to take into account - material, texture, length, style and color! Curtains can make a statement, add visual interest or even tie together an entire room. Material When selecting curtains for your living room, the fabric is of paramount importance. Not only will this affect the aesthetic of your home, but it can also significantly boost comfort levels. When selecting curtains for a room, make sure they

How to Get Wax Out of Tablecloths

wax bricks

Candles add a special touch to any dinner party, but their dripping wax can quickly turn clean table linen into a mess. But there's a solution. All it takes is some heat and some paper - and voila! Your problem solved! 1. Use a Knife Candle wax that drips or drips onto a tablecloth can ruin your festive atmosphere and make an otherwise impressive centerpiece appear less regal. However, you don't have to let it ruin the fabric - there

How to Get the Smell Out of an Old House

old house photo

If you're trying to sell your old house but don't want potential buyers turned away by a musty smell, there are plenty of solutions that can be taken to eliminate it. The initial step in eliminating mold odors is to identify what's causing them. Mold often plays a role, producing microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs). Remove Carpet and Drapes If your house smells old and musty, it can be challenging to sell. Many potential buyers are sensitive to odors and

How to Get Wax Out of a Candle Holder

firing candle

If you want to give an old candle jar or favorite holder a fresh look, there are several great methods for getting wax out of it. Heat-based methods can soften the remains of a burned candle, while freezing techniques break up stubborn clumps. With these simple tricks, you'll have a clean and reuseable container for another purpose. 1. Freeze it If your candle holder has built up a thick layer of wax, it can be difficult to get rid of.

How to Keep Windows From Fogging Up

car front window

Driving and finding your windows fogged up can be an incredibly frustrating experience. While there are quick solutions for fixing this problem, it's also essential to develop strategies to prevent future fogging in the first place. Foggy windows can make it difficult to see, which can be especially hazardous when driving in a busy street. This article will offer some helpful advice on keeping your car's windows clear when driving in cold or rainy climates. 1. Turn on your car’s

How to Get Scuff Marks Off Walls

old room interior

Scuff marks and other blemishes often appear on walls, doors, baseboards, and floors. These stains can dramatically diminish your home's overall design aesthetic and beauty. Scuff marks can often be removed without the need for harsh chemicals, especially when they're fresh. However, older stains will need more thorough cleaning methods in order to be effectively removed. Water Scuff marks are those unsightly marks left behind when something hits your wall. They can be an eyesore and make a freshly painted

How to Mount a TV on a Stone Fireplace

tv hanging

Mounting a TV on a stone fireplace is an attractive home decor idea, but it is important to adhere to certain guidelines prior to beginning the project. Prior to buying a fireplace, it's essential to determine whether it is gas or wood-burning. This will determine what type of wall you have. Preparation Before mounting a TV on a stone fireplace, there are several things you should take into account. Most importantly, ensure the wall is stable and sound before investing

How to Make Cherry Cabinets Look Modern

kitchen cabinets

A soft neutral such as greige, cream, beige or taupe pairs perfectly with cherry cabinets to give it a bright and airy vibe. This color balances out the rich wood grain while keeping everything looking bright and airy. Another option is using black countertops, which can add a striking aesthetic to the kitchen. However, this color scheme should only be chosen for large spaces with plenty of natural light. White Countertops If your kitchen features cherry cabinets, white countertops can

How Long Does It Take to Refinish Hardwood Floors?

room with hardwood floor

Refinishing hardwood floors is both an expensive and time-consuming project, depending on the size of the area to be covered and other factors. Before you begin, it's essential to prepare the floor by cleaning and repairing any damage to its wood. This step is especially vital if water has caused harm. Sanding How long it takes to sand hardwood floors depends on the room size, condition of the flooring, and your expertise. On average, however, it usually takes three days

How to Hang Christmas Lights on Your Roof Peak Safely

christmas light

Hanging Christmas lights on your roof peak can be an exhilarating holiday tradition, but it's essential that they be done correctly so as not to damage the structure and require costly repairs in the future. When hanging lights, the first step is measuring the length of your roof peak. This will help determine how many light strings will fit throughout it. Safety First When hanging holiday lights on your roof peak, safety should always be the top priority. Whether you

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